
We Partner with and support mid-market entrepreneurial companies to prosper and grow. 

responsible investing

SARMIS places a strong emphasis on responsible investing. To us, this translates into having a clear focus on operational improvement, corporate governance, environmental and social matters.

ESG, ethical and regulatory considerations are key to our investment decisions, from the initial assessment of opportunities, during underwriting and throughout the life cycle. We believe that businesses that manage ESG issues appropriately are well positioned to create long term value and demonstrate sustainable growth, and that superior returns can be generated by applying the same standards of Western European companies, locally.

Active identification and appropriate handling of ESG issues are fundamental to risk management and operational excellence. SARMIS will serve the role of bolstering financing alternatives available to local entrepreneurs, fostering development and growth within the region, promoting human rights, equal opportunities employment and sustainable development.

We encourage our portfolio companies to contribute and participate in the local community, and plan to become a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investing. Furthermore, we aim to comply on an ongoing basis with the United Nations Global Compact’s Ten Principles.